Feb 2024

The Top 5 Ways to NOT Ask For a Prenup

When it comes to discussing a prenuptial agreement, timing and tact are everything.

Here are five cringe-worthy real-life scenarios where the topic of a prenup was broached in the most awkward and ineffective ways:

1. Blaming the Family Fortune:

Imagine blaming your family's insistence on a prenup for bringing up the topic, only to have your partner feel like they're marrying your bank account instead of you. Cue the awkward silence and uncomfortable glances. Man or woman up and take accountability for wanting one.

2. The Wedding Day Delivery Disaster:

Showing up at your own wedding with a prenup in hand, casually mentioning, "Oh, I almost forgot this," is a surefire way to turn your special day into a legal drama. Nothing says "I do" like signing on the dotted line before saying your vows.

3. The Lawyer's Surprise Intervention:

Having your lawyer reach out to your partner out of the blue with prenup documents and legal jargon galore is a recipe for confusion and conflict. Surprise legal maneuvers rarely lead to harmonious discussions about shared futures.

4. The Fight Fallout Fiasco:

Bringing up the topic of a prenup during a heated argument is akin to throwing gasoline on a fire. Emotions run high, rational discussions fly out the window, and what could have been a calm conversation turns into a battleground of hurt feelings.

5. Post-Proposal Pressure Point:

Immediately after she says "Yes!" is not the ideal moment to drop the prenup bombshell. Adding stress to an already emotional moment can taint the joy of an engagement and create unnecessary tension before even planning the wedding.

To navigate the prenup conversation smoothly, consider these effective approaches:

  1. Early Relationship Transparency:
    Introduce the topic of a prenup as a general conversation early on in the relationship to establish open communication about financial matters and future planning.
  2. Encourage Legal Counsel:
    Encourage your partner to speak with their attorney to ensure they fully understand their rights and options regarding the prenuptial agreement.
  3. Show Love and Understanding:
    During potentially stressful discussions, ensure your partner feels loved, supported, and heard. Clearly explain your reasons for considering a prenup and emphasize that it is about protecting both parties' interests.

Included in your Law Passport membership is a free prenuptial agreement and lawyer consultation to review any documents prior to signing.  Your membership offers unlimited personalized documents tailored to your needs.

Approach the topic of a prenup with care, respect, and open communication to ensure that both you and your partner navigate this important discussion with understanding and mutual respect.