
Oct 2024

What is a DUNS Number for a Company?

What is a DUNS Number for a Company?

A DUNS number, or Data Universal Numbering System number, is a unique nine-digit identifier assigned to businesses by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B). Established in 1963, this system was designed to support D&B's credit reporting practices and has since become a globally recognized standard for identifying businesses. The DUNS number plays a crucial role in establishing a company’s credibility and is often required for government contracts, loans, and partnerships.

Key Features of a DUNS Number

  1. Unique Identifier: Each DUNS number is unique to a specific business location. This means that if a company has multiple locations, each will have its own distinct DUNS number. This helps in accurately tracking and reporting business credit history.
  2. Widely Used: The DUNS number is recognized by various organizations, including the U.S. government, the European Commission, and major retailers. It serves as a key identifier for businesses in many sectors, facilitating easier verification of company information.
  3. Free of Charge: Obtaining a DUNS number is free for U.S.-based companies. However, businesses should be cautious of third-party services that may charge fees for registration.
  4. Business Profile Creation: Once assigned, the DUNS number generates a business profile in the D&B database, which includes essential information such as the company's name, address, phone number, employee count, and line of business. This profile can be accessed by potential partners and customers to assess credibility.

Why Do Companies Need a DUNS Number?

Having a DUNS number is particularly important for several reasons:

  • Government Contracts: Many federal agencies require businesses to have a DUNS number to apply for contracts or grants. This requirement underscores the importance of having an established business identity.
  • International Trade: Companies looking to expand internationally often need a DUNS number to engage with foreign partners or suppliers effectively.
  • Creditworthiness: The DUNS number allows businesses to build their credit profile with Dun & Bradstreet, which can influence their ability to secure loans and favorable terms from suppliers.

Read also: Is a DUNS Number the Same as an EIN?

How Can Help

Navigating the process of obtaining a DUNS number can be straightforward, but offers additional support that can enhance your experience:

  • Guidance on Application Process: provides step-by-step assistance in completing your application for a DUNS number. This ensures that you include all necessary information and avoid common pitfalls that could delay your application.
  • Reputation Management: Before applying for your DUNS number, it’s beneficial to ensure your business has a positive reputation. specializes in reputation management services that can help you address any existing customer complaints or negative reviews, thereby strengthening your business profile.
  • Ongoing Support: Once you have your DUNS number, maintaining an accurate and positive business profile is essential. offers tools and resources to help you manage your business information effectively and ensure it remains up-to-date within the D&B database.

A DUNS number is an essential asset for any business looking to establish credibility and facilitate growth opportunities. By providing a unique identifier recognized worldwide, it allows companies to participate in government contracting, international trade, and credit-building activities. While obtaining a DUNS number is free and relatively straightforward, partnering with can provide valuable support throughout the process—ensuring that your business not only secures its identifier but also enhances its overall reputation in the marketplace.

Read also: Where Can I Find My DUNS Number?