
Oct 2024

What Should Be Included in an LLC Operating Agreement?

An LLC operating agreement is a crucial document that outlines the internal structure and operational guidelines of a Limited Liability Company (LLC).

While not required in every state, having a well-crafted operating agreement can protect your business and clarify the roles and responsibilities of its members. This article details the essential components that should be included in an LLC operating agreement and explains how can assist you in drafting this important document.

Basic Company Information

The operating agreement should start with basic information about the LLC, including:

  • Name of the LLC: The official name as registered with the state.
  • Business Address: The principal place of business.
  • Registered Agent: The name and address of the registered agent who will receive legal documents on behalf of the LLC.
  • Business Purpose: A brief description of what the business does, which may also include a statement allowing for any lawful purpose to provide flexibility for future changes. can help you ensure that all necessary information is accurately included and compliant with state regulations, streamlining the process of drafting your operating agreement.

Member Information

A critical component of the operating agreement is detailing each member's contributions and ownership interests. This section should specify:

  • Ownership Percentage: The percentage of ownership each member has in the LLC.
  • Capital Contributions: The initial contributions made by each member, whether in cash, property, or services.
  • Member Roles and Responsibilities: An outline of each member's duties within the company, including any specific titles or roles. offers templates and guidance to help you clearly define these elements, ensuring that all members understand their rights and responsibilities.

Management Structure

The operating agreement should specify how the LLC will be managed. There are two primary management structures:

  • Member-Managed: All members participate in daily operations.
  • Manager-Managed: Designated managers handle daily operations, which may include members or outside managers.

This section should detail the powers and responsibilities of managers if applicable, including how they are appointed and removed. can assist you in determining which management structure best fits your business model and help draft relevant provisions.

Profit and Loss Distribution

Clearly outlining how profits and losses will be allocated among members is essential. This section should include:

  • Distribution Method: How profits will be shared among members based on their ownership percentages or other agreed-upon criteria.
  • Compensation for Members: Details on how members will be compensated for their roles within the LLC, especially if taxed as a corporation. can provide insights into different distribution methods and help ensure that your agreement aligns with tax regulations.

Read: How Do I Choose a Name for My LLC?

Voting Rights and Decision-Making

The operating agreement should define how decisions are made within the LLC. This includes:

  • Voting Rights: Each member's voting power typically corresponds to their ownership percentage. Specify whether decisions require a simple majority or a higher threshold.
  • Meeting Procedures: Guidelines for holding meetings, including notice requirements and quorum rules.

By clarifying these processes, can help you establish a clear governance structure that minimizes potential disputes among members.

Dispute Resolution

Including provisions for resolving disputes is vital for maintaining harmony within the LLC. This section may cover:

  • Arbitration Requirements: Whether disputes will be resolved through arbitration or court proceedings.
  • Buyout Provisions: Procedures for handling situations where a member wants to leave or sell their interest in the LLC. can assist you in drafting these provisions to ensure they are fair and legally enforceable.

Amendments and Dissolution

Finally, your operating agreement should outline how it can be amended over time as circumstances change. Additionally, it should specify:

  • Dissolution Procedures: Conditions under which the LLC may be dissolved and how remaining assets will be distributed among members. can provide guidance on creating flexible amendment procedures that allow your operating agreement to evolve alongside your business needs.

An LLC operating agreement serves as a foundational document that governs the internal workings of your business. By including essential components such as company information, member roles, management structure, profit distribution, voting rights, dispute resolution, amendments, and dissolution procedures, you create a clear framework for your LLC's operations. offers valuable resources to help you draft a comprehensive operating agreement tailored to your specific needs. From templates to expert guidance on compliance with state laws, ensures that your operating agreement effectively protects your interests and sets your business up for success.

Read: Can I Form an LLC Online?